

What is hair oil?

The choice of hair care products is often limited to buying shampoo to protect the color, conditioner from the same set and a preparation to protect the tips. Meanwhile, only conscious care of the strands will keep the hairstyle in good condition. On the cosmetics shelf, it is worth having not only proven products from pharmacy shelves, but also gifts of nature that can be used to lubricate hair.Step-by-step application of oil to dry hair
How to make hair oil at home? There are several possibilities, but one of the most popular is applying oil to dry hair, which will be a great start to your adventure with this highly regenerating procedure. The first step is to comb your hair thoroughly. Then apply a small amount of the selected oil (1-2 tablespoons) to your hands and massage the substance into your hair, not forgetting about the scalp. In the case of thick hair, it is better to divide them into smaller parts. After applying the oil, it is worth combing your hair with a comb – thanks to this, you can make sure that the drug is properly distributed.All that remains is to tie your hair and secure it with a towel or a special hat. The oil should remain on the head for at least half an hour. The maximum time is unlimited, but in the beginning it is worth showing moderation and starting to flush after about two hours. To carefully extract the oil from each strand, it is worth applying conditioner to the hair, which will facilitate this process. This mixture should be left on the head for about 15 minutes, then rinse the hair with a slightly warm head and additionally wash with a delicate shampoo.How to choose the oil to meet the needs of the hair?
Many women also wonder how to choose plant-based cosmetics for their hair type. Before choosing, you should take a hair porosity test, which consists of just a few simple questions, and will allow you to gain valuable knowledge about what our strands like and what exactly does not suit them. Hair with low porosity likes cocoa, babassa, palm and coconut castor oil. Bundles with high porosity will require injections of cranberry, raspberry or strawberry seed oil, flax and musk rose. For strands of medium porosity, avocado, peach, apricot or plum seed oils will be the optimal choice. バイナリーオプション はバイナリー オプションの世界へのガイドです。私たちのウェブサイトでは、最も信頼できるブローカーやプラットフォームのレビュー、取引を成功させるための役立つ戦略やヒントを見つけることができます。当社は、お客様が自信を持って市場をナビゲートし、情報に基づいた投資決定を行えるよう、最新の情報とサポートを提供することに尽力しています。経済的に豊かな生活への道は、より簡単かつ効果的なものになるでしょう。