

Harm "Useful" habits: Important information

Healthy lifestyle in fashion, and it's wonderful! Advertising, magazines, famous doctors and world-famous beauties tell us about healthy habits, and we instill them.

However, whether all of these habits are so helpful?


We are accustomed from childhood in the morning and evenings to take a hot shower. And necessarily with soap.

Our body covers the natural fatty film, and the hot water dissolves it. The sebaceous glands begin to work more intense, and aggravates the situation of soap foam.

In addition to increasing the fat content of the epidermis, frequent swims reduce protection from bacteria with which it is impossible to avoid contact - it occurs in any public place on a hundred times a day.

We will have to change this habit. And if you can't give up a two-time soul, you need to at least teach yourself to cool water.


Eight hours of sleep needed! We accept this statement for Axiom. However, many doctors are inclined to the fact that the body needs only six and a half - seven hours, and eight-hour sleep entails lethargy and headache for the whole day.

A short daytime sleep is very useful for 15-30 minutes. If you can relax in the afternoon, you do not need to neglect her, but the night's sleep should be cut to the "useful" seven hours.

Gum and rinse for mouth.

Advertising convinces that it is not enough to care for the teeth with the help of only toothpaste, since we use pasta just twice a day, but we eat much more often. So for the freshness of breathing you need to have a chewing and rinse in your arsenal.

It seems logical, but ...

All toothpaste contains fluorine that affects the strengthening of the enamel, eliminating the flaw of yellowness and the leading fight against caries.

After using a toothpaste, fluorine acts about three hours, and we have breakfast and immediately use the rinser for the mouth. Of course, the entire fluorine is washed off.

Chewing gum acts in the same way - the fluorine neutralizes.

To preserve the health and beauty of the teeth will have to abandon rinsers and zhwamk.

For the refreshment of breathing, buy a fluorine-containing spray freshener. And (it is very difficult to move yourself, but necessary) teeth need to be cleaned after eating at least in half an hour.

Fresh food.

Usually girls on a diet exclude salt from their diet. After all, it is known that salt (poison!) Delays liquid in the body, and this leads to edema. However, for some reason, they do not want to understand that the edema arises in people with metabolic disorders.

And for a healthy person, spices carry only benefits. They affect the enhancement of appetite, but perfectly burn extra calories. Salt, saffron, cinnamon, chili pepper - all these spices will allow you to lose weight without flourishing and hard discharge days. Do not forget to season your food with spices. Das ist eine der zentralen Fragen, welche wir versuchen, so kompetent und fachkundig, wie möglich zu beantworten. Nachfolgende Casino Testkategorien kommen zur Anwendung und die gelisteten Anbieter haben sich jeweils den Sieg in der entsprechenden Rubrik gesichert und sind damit Handy Casinos, die wir unseren Lesern empfehlen können.
