

Matchmaking and engagement ceremony: what do you need to know?

Matchmaking has come to us since ancient times, and does not lose its relevance. Matchmaking is a whole epic. Matchmaking requires clarity, and with the consent of the bride-to-be, otherwise, it doesn't make sense.

It is necessary to prepare two bouquets of flowers in advance, one for the bride and the other for her mother. The groom goes to the bride's house in order to propose to the bride herself and ask her parents for permission to marry. Events can develop in several ways. The first option is when the bride's parents agree to the upcoming wedding and set a day and time for the engagement.

The second option is when the bride's parents are not quite ready to make a decision right away and ask for time to think. Meanwhile, the groom has to wait for the bride's parents to make a decision and invite him to visit.

Matchmaking is not only a marriage proposal. This is a kind of bridge that establishes relations between future relatives. It is this rite that serves as the beginning of the parents' relationship and it depends on how the relationship will develop further.

No matter how ridiculous matchmaking looks in our time, it is like a tribute to the past and passing traditions. Couples who have not neglected this rite are always satisfied, because well-being consists not only of the relationship between the bride and groom, but also of the people around them.

The engagement

An engagement is one of the celebrations that precedes a wedding. An engagement is, in fact, the announcement of a couple as a bride and groom. It is no longer possible to say exactly where and when this tradition appeared, but, unfortunately, it is gradually disappearing from our lives. An engagement is not just a gathering of the parents of the bride and groom, it is a real family celebration, which relatives and friends of the engaged are simply obliged to attend.

However, even this does not serve as a 100% guarantee that the young people will still enter into a legal marriage. For the newlyweds, this is an occasion for fun, but parents are starting to think about financing the upcoming celebration and considering the date of its holding. This is a responsible event that marks the beginning of preparations for the wedding.

Usually, the groom presents the bride with a memorable gift for the engagement, as a rule, this ring. And there are many traditions associated with this ring. One of them still exists. During the wedding ceremony, the groom takes off this ring and puts it on the bride's left hand and the wedding ring on her right. In some countries, the engagement ring is removed during the wedding and never worn again, but simply passed from generation to generation.

Each couple decides for themselves how to hold an engagement celebration, and whether to hold it at all. But if you follow the traditions, you get a pretty beautiful solemn action. https://www.bsc.news/post/online-casino-ranking-2024/ では、スロット、ポーカー、ブラックジャックなど様々なオンラインカジノゲームをお楽しみいただけます。エキサイティングなスロットマシンの幅広いセレクションを楽しみ、ゲームの旅を始めるのに役立つ寛大なサインアップボーナスを手に入れましょう。運試しやスキルアップのチャンスをお見逃しなく。今すぐプレイを始めて、エキサイティングなエンターテイメントの世界を発見しましょう!ギャンブルに最適なオンラインカジノへようこそ!当カジノは、プレイヤーの皆様を無関心にさせない、最もエキサイティングで多様なゲームを提供していると自負しております。常にサイトを改善し、新しいゲームを追加しています。