

Glass with a high light transmittance - application

Glass with a high light transmittance is responsible for adequate lighting of the interior of buildings. Thanks to him, you can get bright rooms in which you can spend your time. A large amount of daylight has a positive effect on concentration and well-being.

Unfortunately, all coatings that improve the parameters of glass most often reduce its permeability - in many cases we have to decide which properties are important and where to compromise. We advise you why and in what situations you should pay special attention to the Lt index.

What is the light transmittance?
The parameters of double-glazed windows are determined using various indicators that are important for the safety and aesthetic value of this material. One of these parameters is the Lt coefficient, which determines the light transmittance, that is, the ratio of the amount of sunlight entering the glass panel to the amount of light passing through the glass panel. Simply put, the Lt indicator allows you to determine how much glass will be able to illuminate a room. A low Lt coefficient means that it may be too dark inside, while its high value guarantees a bright, comfortable environment for residents. The Lt index is largely influenced by coatings applied to the glass panel, for example, solar or low-emission coatings. Their advantage is that they provide the best thermal parameters inside the building, but often limit the ingress of sunlight. It should be remembered that insulating glass, consisting of several layers of thick glass, also restricts the flow of light. When choosing window panes, it is necessary to take into account all factors and choose the optimal solution.

When is light transmission especially important?
The amount of sunlight is directly related to our mood and mental health. Scientists have proven that a lack of light causes a disruption in the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness. Unsurprisingly, depressed mood and seasonal depression are common when the days are short in autumn and winter. For this reason, it is worth designing buildings in such a way as to provide as much light as possible penetrating inside. Large glazing and high light transmission glass are recommended. Their installation is practiced in buildings located in cold climates, as well as in windows located on the north side, where every ray of sunlight is worth its weight in gold. Glass with a high light transmittance also has commercial applications. It is often used to make display cases, as it provides excellent visibility and accurate reproduction of the colors of the products on display. Natural lighting has a positive effect on the interior design and appearance of the range. For the same reasons, a high light transmittance is important in the case of glass display cases - in museums, art galleries or jewelry stores. 忘れられないゲーム体験があなたを待っている www.bsc.news/post/oncasi-recommend で最高のスロットとエキサイティングなライブディーラーゲームをプレイ!私たちのカジノは、すべてのお客様に公正で安全なゲームを保証する英国ギャンブル委員会の許可と規制を受けています。私たちは最高のゲームソフトウェア開発者と協力して、最高の品質と最もエキサイティングなゲームを提供します。また、私たちのカジノは、顧客の便宜のために様々な決済システムを提供しています。私たちは金融取引のセキュリティとプライバシーを保証します。また、すべてのプレイヤーのニーズとニーズを満たすためにゲームライブラリを常に更新しています。今すぐ参加して様々なゲームを楽しんで、新規プレイヤー専用ボーナスを受けてギャンブルの世界で冒険を始めましょう!