

Review of the computer game Hero Siege, Putrefaction and Betrayer

Hero Siege

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you combine Diablo and The Binding of Isaac? Elias Viglione and Jussi Kukkonen decided to experiment. Yes, only two people made this game.


+ A lot of indie games with pixel graphics can boast of such quality as Hero Siege.

+ Chic theme and design combined with the best traditions of cult games.

+ Clear and addictive gameplay, convenient control on the keyboard or joystick.

+ The game is incredibly exciting. I'll kill another boss and turn it off for sure, and so on until you realize that a few more hours have passed.

+ Huge replayability. After passing all 7 acts (at the moment) most likely you will want to pass on other difficulty levels and other classes.

+ Constant support for developers, new patches are released literally every week.

+ Well-chosen musical accompaniment.

+ Multiple modes to play through: play by yourself or with a friend through online mode, or together at the same computer.

+ Low price and collectible cards.


- In some cases, there may be problems with playing online.

- Minor bugs on some windows 10 systems.

- A lot of content, which makes up almost a third of the entire game.


For $ 0.39 or 14 rubles (it is at this price that the game is sold at sales) you will get an exciting, beautiful game that can drag you out for more than one week.


So, a game from a studio with only one employee. Shooting gallery on the Unity game engine. These are all the words I can use to describe this game. Why I think so, read below.


+ Campaign and survival mode.

+ Soundtrack, and creates an atmosphere of tension.


- The price does not match the level of the game.

- The game is not optimized for various screen extensions.

- The gameplay is an elementary shooting range with shooting monsters.

- Primitive intelligence. It is worth jumping on some box, and you will become inaccessible to monsters.

- The graphics in this game are really terrible.


In my opinion, it didn't work out very well for the first attempt, but if the author makes up for his mistakes, it may turn out to be a pretty good game, which I wish him.


By itself, this game is extremely boring. The gameplay is simple, and also incomprehensible. But to my surprise, for some reason addictive. The game did not cause a desire to close it and delete it as soon as possible.


+ The main feature of the game is its graphic design. Black and white tones give it sophistication, but this is not a new idea, we saw a similar technique in Saboteur, for example.

+ Atmospheric otherworldly world. I don't know why, but I really liked this idea. During the first few transitions to the otherworld, I even managed to get scared.

+ Simple and intuitive inventory system.

+ Several small locations.

+ Technically, the game has a good level of quality. Graphic artifacts were rare. Therefore, in essence, there are no complaints about this game in technical terms.


- lack of hero leveling.

- The emptiness of filling the game world, I would like to see it more alive.


I understand how boring it is, but it's also fascinating, exciting to run through the woods, dig graves and talk to ghosts, learning about their terrible deaths. Still, I recommend playing this game. I think you'll find something in it that will drag you out for a few days. ラーメン ベット の特徴の一つは、そのユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェイスで、プレイヤーはサイトの様々なゲームやセクションを簡単にナビゲートすることができます。また、このプラットフォームにはモバイル版もあり、外出中のプレイヤーもアクセスしやすくなっています。