

Movies for the New Year: what to watch on the occasion of the New Year?

New Year's movies are a place where the most interesting stories take place on New Year's Eve. We advise you to check out the list of exciting films that are perfect for this special evening. Or maybe you want to have a successful movie marathon with your friends? With these films, the New Year's party is sure to be a success.

1. In search of Santa Claus

The main character is a girl Miranda, who was finally orphaned as a child, having lost her mother. She had never seen her father at all, so she could only guess what he looked like and where he was. Now she is already an adult and independent. M She immediately leaves for another city, where she meets a handsome guy Jan. They immediately became close friends and later began to experience greater feelings than friendship… But one day, in her mother's old things, the girl finds a photo, thanks to which she can try to find her father.

2. Bitch

Anyone, even the most calm, balanced and phlegmatic person can be brought not just out of balance, but also brought to a state where he will have difficulty controlling his feelings and actions. And if you bring such a person to a breakdown, then it will be difficult to vouch for his adequate actions. Bill disappears at work all day, not because he is a workaholic, but because he has a pretty and young secretary at work. From day to day, Jilly spins like a squirrel in a wheel and there is no end in sight. But it couldn't go on like this forever, and sometime there had to be a breakdown, and it happened…

3. Indiana Jones: In Search of the Lost Ark

The fascinating film "Indiana Jones: In Search of the Lost Ark" fascinates the viewer with the incredible adventures of the main character. The film takes place in 1936, when the Nazis, sparing no effort and time, want to find the tip of the staff of Ra, which is a magical artifact. According to legend, this tip will open the way to the Ark, which will make any army invincible. Of course, the outstanding archaeologist and connoisseur of antiquities Indiana Jones will try his best to prevent the Nazis, so he himself goes in search of an ancient magical artifact. While searching for the tip, incredible adventures happen to him, but still he manages to find this antique thing, which turned out to be with Marion, the daughter of his mentor. He came close to his goal, but the girl turned out to be with a character, besides, she has grievances against Indiana for his long-standing "sins"… テッドベット.netは、魅力的なゲーム体験と充実したプレイヤープロモーションで知られるオンラインカジノです。詳細な情報や特典については、 テッドベット.net をご覧ください。テッドベット.netでは、幅広いカジノゲームを楽しむことができます。アカウントを作成すれば、さらなるボーナスや特典を受け取ることもできますので、ぜひテッドベット.netで楽しいカジノ体験をお試しください。